Tuesday, March 31, 2009

All The Way My Savior Leads Me

Wonderful words.  Wonderful Savior.  May these words comfort YOU today wherever YOU are.  Thank you Lord for this sweet life.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

One WILD and CRAZY night!

So last night Matt and I decided to head out and hit the town for dinner.  We decided on Village Grille, as we had passed it several times recently and thought it looked good.  Upon walking inside, Matt noted that there were quite a few OLDER folks there.  I did not think much about it at first but then became aware that Matt and I were quite literally THE youngest people in the joint.  Matt then mentioned that there was  a retirement facility nearby and that was probably the reason.  Needless to say, it was not quite the night out we had envisioned being the hip, cool couple that we are!  But, the food WAS good and the company (Matt) was the best!  :) 

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy ONE Month to us!!!!

Yesterday, Matt and I celebrated ONE month of marital bliss!  It is hard to believe that we met on a blind date two years ago in August.  Look at us now!  Life is good.  God is good!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Come see us!

Just a little something to tantalize the tastebuds of our ski enthusiast fans!  These are just a few of the brochures that showcase the different ski resorts around the Wisconsin and Michigan!  We will show you a good time!!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Our times are in HIS hands-Psalm 31:15

Today I am writing from Luna, a local coffeehouse here in De Pere.  Life is good... The sun is shining and a light snow is falling, I am sipping a honey latte, coffee is being ROASTED in the next room (you can actually watch them roast it if you like), the playlist of music so far has been U2 and the Counting Crows---could I be more in my element?  This is really my first true time to venture out by myself since arriving in Wisconsin.  Besides the usual errands of running to the grocery store or the post office, I have only ventured out with Matt by my side.  It feels good to be out today, on my own and out of my comfort zone.  Sitting here gives me the chance to process through the last few weeks....The other day, I sat in the apartment in silence, just trying to listen to what the Lord wanted to say and what lessons can be learned from this time in life.  Describing this season is difficult, as it is the most joyous (being married to Matt, starting our life, having a complete blast together, making a home) and yet, I am lonely and lost as well.  I have struggled to be content in the waiting---for a Church, for friends, for a job.  PATIENCE is definitely the lesson I have learned the most about so far.  Matt and I tried out a Church on Sunday.  And though sweet people and a good Church, we just did not feel like it was going to be our home.  I found myself frustrated as we found our seats and waited for the service to begin.  I just want a community group and friends and women to connect with, I thought to myself.  I felt as if the Lord quickly admonished me and showed me that though this particular Church may not be home to us, it is preaching truth and it is home to others and meets their needs.  I was also reminded that last Sunday was only our second Sunday and second Church to try.  These things take time.  PATIENCE.  And so, with that, this week has been much better.  I know I must wait and just ENJOY.  And so I am.  I am enjoying the rest that has been given to me in this time of not working.  I am enjoying being a wife to Matt and learning how to cook!  I am enjoying just waiting for him to walk in the door from work each day (my favorite part of the day).  I am enjoying this coffeehouse.   ENJOY.  

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chateau Shelby

Thought you might like to see a few pictures of our home (and a picture of Matt on our box springs and mattress) here in De Pere, Wisconsin!  No pictures of the master bedroom and guest bedroom yet.  We are waiting on our bedroom furniture to come in and there are some improvements in the guest bedroom that I would like to make before either make their debut on the blog.  

Friday, March 13, 2009

I got the BREWS...

I got the BREWS...and I LOVE IT!  I just have to give a quick shout out to our Cuisinart Grind and Brew Coffeemaker!  You make my morning (and day) better!  Owning you is better than I could have ever imagined.  You Grind, You Brew, You keep the coffee warm in your carafe!  I cannot imagine life without you.  Love, Jenny

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Cup Runneth Over...

Let the purpose of all marriages and friendships alike be the deepening of the spirit and the enrichment of the soul...Unknown

I am just toooo excited right now....this is my very first post (Jenny)!  I am now a blogger.  I think I may have a bit of blogger's block right now though.  I hope to write inspiring and thought provoking blogs in the future like my friend Milton :) but for today I just wanted to back up from our first week in Green Bay and share a little bit about these last few weeks!  Well, really the last few months!  
Since the day we were engaged in October, life has truly been a whirlwind.  Planning the wedding in a short amount of time (which I still would not have any other way) and then Matt accepting the job in Green Bay in December...WHEW!  The last few weeks before the wedding were the most crazy, with Matt gone for nine days, our whirlwind trip to Green Bay to take our stuff the weekend before we were married and the last minute details of the wedding...but as the Lord promised, He will never give us anything we cannot handle and we did it!  
The wedding weekend was incredible.  Better than either of us could have ever dreamed of or imagined.  From the Bachelorette Party for me given by my sisters, to the Bridesmaid's Brunch to the Rehearsal Dinner to the Wedding and Reception---it was wonderful! One thing I have always loved about weddings is the excuse that they give for those you love most to be gathered together.  It was so special.  Matt and I have been overwhelmed by the whole experience---from the showers to the wedding.  People are so giving and gracious and we have just been so humbled and thankful. 
 After the wedding, Matt and I headed to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico for our Honeymoon (see pictures above)!  It was great.  We stayed at Secrets Resort and Spa.  We had BIG plans to leave the resort and get involved at different events at the Resort but we did not do any of them!  Well, we did attend a mexican dance and dinner and got our picture taken with a monkey but other than that we just relaxed and ate (the food was wonderful-you should have seen me at the buffet)!  We were glad we DID relax though, with the month before the wedding being so crazy and then moving after the Honeymoon...we would not change a thing.   
And now to today...  getting married and moving over 12 hours away have been the biggest steps I (Jenny) have ever taken in my entire life.  Leaving family and friends so dear has been difficult and I know it will probably never be easy for me to be this far away. But....I would not change it!  Matt and I are excited to be here in Wisconsin and we look forward to all that he has in store for us these next two to three years.  I absolutely love being with my best friend everyday.  I love unpacking and settling into our apartment and making it home for us.  I love that we are now a new family!  And that is why my cup runneth over today....this sweet life, my wonderful family ( and new family in the Shelby's), the best friends a girl could ever have and the most wonderful man in the world for a husband.  

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Green Bay Slowly Becoming Home

Slowly but surely, we are starting to become "settled" in the "Frozen Tundra."  We are trying to adjust to many, many things.  First off we have this thing called "marriage." It is fun to be able to spend every minute with each other.  As you can see by the picture below, we are definitely learning each other's boundaries.  (You can decide on who is Jenny and who is Matt.)

In all seriousness, things have been enjoyable this past week.  As Matt would wake up in the morning to get ready for work, Jenny was getting up too; making coffee, dragging Matt out of bed, and figuring out what all she needed to do that day.  I think the unpacking process has been a little slower than what we both expected, but it has been interesting.  Jenny has been trying to figure out where to put everything in our apartment.  Our place started out big, but as boxes started to be unpacked and things placed where they needed to be, we are realizing that we might need to find a bigger place.  But that is for a different time and a different blog.

The weather hasn't been too bad this past week.  When we rolled into town at 1:30am on Monday morning, the temperature was showing -2.  It really didn't get much warmer as the day grew older.  I think it topped out in the high teens to low twenties.  However, each day got warmer and warmer.  We finished the week off on Saturday in the 40's.  We aren't sure yet if that is "short's weather" up here but we were definitely enjoying the warmth and the sunshine.  However, things can change suddenly here in Green Bay as much as it can change back home in Arkansas.  Sunday morning started out overcast and brisk.  I believe that the temperature was in the mid to upper 20's (which is somewhat typical for this time here in the GB.)  We went to church and then stopped at a local coffee shop to see what kind new things we could find.  The girl behind-the-counter was very helpful in helping us find a nice flavored coffee to try in our wonderful new coffee maker.  Even without us trying, she pegged us as "not being from around here."  Even though thoughts were racing through Matt's head of what "new thing" can we tell her that ISN'T the truth, Jenny stepped in and told her we were from God's Country (that's my wording, not Jenny's.)  As Jenny started to trot around the shop to see what cool knick-knacks she could find, I was chatting with this girl about the area and the horrible winter that has faced this area over the last 3 months.  She calmly told me that after noon it is suppose to start snowing 4-6 inches through the rest of the day.  She didn't even bat an eye.  This, to her, is what they may call "a dusting."  I think to myself that most people in Arkansas would treat this as the end-of-the-world type weather.  Fortunately, they are more well equipped to keep the roads somewhat clear and not much would be said about "this dusting."  As we proceeded home, just like the girl said, snow starting falling.  It started pretty gentle at first, but the wind decide to pick up.  Right now it has been snowing for about 6+ hours now with the wind blowing 20-30 mph.  We thought we were "Yankee enough" to transport some of our trash to the dumpsters on our property, but after two car loads of trash (and many more still needing to happen to clear out place of trash) we decide to retreat inside and finish turning this place into "our home" with a few breaks to eat lunch and to play some Wii Mario Kart.  

This will definitely be the first of many posts to inform everyone of our doings, our outings, and our antics up here in the "Frozen Tundra."

With that we will leave you with some pics that were taken this afternoon from our balcony and from the door that leads into our apartment.  This is the view we have out our back door.  There is a pond right out side and it is frozen.  We already have it in our plans this week to go by a sporting store, buy some ice skates, and work on our mad ice skating skills.  Maybe before it thaws, we both would have mastered the triple toe loop.